Uganda Embarks on Circular Economy Journey with African Development Bank Backing

The circular economy roadmap process aligns seamlessly with the African Development Bank’s Uganda Country Strategy Paper 2022-2026, geared towards creating higher value-added jobs and reducing poverty.

Uganda Embarks on Circular Economy Journey with African Development Bank Backing


Africanian News: From Africa, by Africans, for Africans and friends of Africa

In Kampala, Uganda, a significant stride toward fostering sustainable growth and green industrialization has been taken, aligning with the nation’s Vision 2040 agenda. Supported by the African Development Bank, Uganda unveiled its circular economy roadmap process on January 31, 2024. Government officials and representatives from the African Development Bank graced the launch ceremony, signaling a collaborative effort to drive progress.

Implemented in partnership with the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA) and bolstered by the Bank’s Africa Circular Economy Facility (ACEF), this initiative aims to engage policymakers, businesses, and civil society organizations in harnessing the potential of circularity. By accelerating efforts toward sustainable development goals and climate action, Uganda seeks to achieve inclusive socio-economic development and growth, creating green jobs while safeguarding natural resources and addressing climate change.

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The youth demographic, comprising seven million individuals in Uganda, stands to benefit significantly from the transition to a circular economy, with expectations of increased job opportunities and household incomes. Dr. Joshua Mutambi, Commissioner in Uganda’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, emphasized the importance of sustainable transition in Uganda’s industrialization journey, highlighting the avoidance of resource inefficiencies.

Dr. Anthony Nyong, African Development Bank Director for Climate Change and Green Growth, underscored the pivotal role of circular economy roadmaps as policy enablers to drive investments towards efficient utilization of Africa’s natural assets, yielding dividends for both nature and its people.

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Development of Uganda’s Circular Economy Roadmap is part of a broader ACEF program covering multiple African countries, facilitated by a multi-donor trust fund supported by the Government of Finland and the Nordic Development Fund. This initiative aims to provide technical assistance to mainstream circular economy practices in both the public and private sectors.

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The circular economy roadmap process aligns seamlessly with the African Development Bank’s Uganda Country Strategy Paper 2022-2026, geared towards creating higher value-added jobs and reducing poverty. Moreover, it advances the Bank’s Climate Change and Green Growth Action Plan (2021-2025).

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Circular economy policy support serves as a cornerstone of the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA), aligning with the African Union Circular Economy Action Plan. Hosted by the African Development Bank’s Climate Change and Green Growth Department, the ACEA spearheads circular practices in economic development across the continent.