COVID 19: Positive cases in Equatorial Guinea rise to 1043, 12 deaths — WHO

Situation update for the WHO African Region, Report (25 May 2020)

COVID 19: Positive cases in Equatorial Guinea rise to 1043, 12 deaths

Over 110,900 confirmed #COVID19 cases on the African continent – with more than 44,500 recoveries & 3,300 deaths. View country figures & more with the WHO African Region COVID-19

WHO has issued guidance to countries, which is regularly updated to take into account the evolving situation. The guidelines include measures such as quarantine, repatriations of citizens and preparedness at workplaces. The Organization is also working with a network of experts to coordinate regional surveillance efforts, epidemiology, modelling, diagnostics, clinical care and treatment, and other ways to identify, manage the disease and limit widespread transmission.