Lesotho records first coronavirus case, Equatorial Guinea gets 61

COVID-19 Situation update for the WHO African Region, Report (14 May 2020)

Lesotho records first coronavirus case, Equatorial Guinea gets 61


The government of Lesotho has announced the registration of its first Covid-19 case on Wednesday 13 May 2020. “The confirmed positive case “was imported from the Middle East and the patient has no signs and symptoms”.

The first positive case appears a week after the country lifted its national lockdown started on 30 April .

Lesotho records first coronavirus case, Equatorial Guinea gets 61


Meanwhile, Equatorial Guinea also registered 61 positive cases of covid-19, bringing the country’s total to 583, 13 recovered, 7 deaths.

See full COVID-19 Situation update for the WHO African Region, Report (14 May 2020)