#AfricaVsVirus Challenge. April 17 – 19, 2020

Have you identified a problem that is caused by the Corona Crisis? Do you want to take part in the Ideathon and develop solutions that tackle the Virus in Africa?

72-hour Ideathon: Addressing the challenges presented by the global Novel Coronavirus pandemic to African societies, economies and individuals and prototyping tech and non-tech solutions. Governments, civil society organizations, companies and citizens are all invited to submit challenges until Wednesday, April 15.

The African Development Bank through its Jobs for Youth in Africa Strategy Is launching the #AfricaVsVirus Challenge, an opportunity to create tech and non-tech solutions to tackle some of the most pressing challenges created by the coronavirus pandemic. We are calling on socially committed citizens worldwide, problem solvers, creative minds, health experts, programmers, graphic and web-designers to come together in a 72-hour digital collaborative process to bring about ground-breaking solutions addressing some of the social and economic challenges posed by the coronavirus. Following the #AfricaVsVirus Challenge the best solutions will be selected and will be fully implemented with partners and donors in Africa and worldwide.


The #AfricaVsVirus Challenge will take place from April 17th-19th, 2020 online. Participants will have 72 hours to collaborate in teams and build solutions to specific challenges. We will start with a kick-off session on Thursday 16th at 18:30 GMT+1 and end on Sunday 19th at 18:30 GMT+1.

How can you become a supporter?

What else are we still looking for?

We are still on the search for partners that can contribute to the pool of prizes to be given to  the winning teams either in cash or kind. We believe this is a great opportunity for you to be involved as the initiative will target all member countries of  The African Development Bank.