Benin: Construction of the Pobè photovoltaic power plant: heading for a sustainable energy mix

In Pobè, the end of the first solar power plant will mark the beginning of another project with the same capacity.

Benin: Construction of the Pobè photovoltaic power plant: heading for a sustainable energy mix

By Metohuey Michael Adoglo

Visiting the construction site of the solar photovoltaic power plant in Illoulofin in the commune of Pobè on Tuesday, November 30, Minister Dona Jean-Claude Houssou reiterated the government’s willingness to opt for a responsible use of all types of energy to meet the needs of the population.

On the site of the 25 MW photovoltaic solar power plant in Illoulofin in the commune of Pobè, the countdown has begun. At the end of April 2022, the infrastructure that is to mark the first step in the “sustainable energy mix” option announced by the Minister of Energy will be operational.

In terms of statistics, the solar power plant consists of 47,000 solar panels delivered in 77 40-foot containers. A good part of these panels is already installed on the site and extends as far as the eye can see. The power plant will occupy 26 hectares of the 96 hectares of land allocated to the project. Six 3,515 Kva transformers will also be installed.

In terms of results, a rate of 60% is noted on the progress of the power plant, 20% on the section of the evacuation line and 30% on the line of the Electricity Community of Benin. Not to mention that more than 80% of the workforce comes from localities near the site.