Equatorial Guinea: Educka Begins One-Month Preparation Course for university entrance exam

Healthy competitiveness is encouraged so that young people can bet on the most powerful weapon: knowledge.

By Carlos Bolete

The Educka Academy, Equatorial Guinea, has started its preparation course to give individuals an opportunity to continue their education and learn new skills. Given the sort of year the world has experienced as a result of the pandemic, the University entrance exam in Equatorial Guinea has been postponed.

The stoppage of classes with the increase in positive cases due to Covid-19, has slowed down all the educational plans already designed. In an effort to improve grades despite the difficulties and other obstacles that young pre-university students face, the Educka Academy has come to provide a helping hand.


In its commitment to youth development in the field of education, Educka Academy wants to break down the barriers of entry that young people have encountered by providing them options from University placements to other educational opportunities.

The classes began on Monday, August 30, at the Salesian school, E Waiso Ipola, and are expected to end on September 30.

As we have learned from those responsible, including Juan Misumbi Rondo and Miguel Ángel Vandy Reo, the students who obtain the highest academic qualification will be able to opt for one of the courses on the Autoclax digital platform, a study grant at the University or a professional center.

“Opportunities are available to everyone, you just have to go for them,” said Misumbi.

We hope that the results of previous years can be improved because you can see the commitment.


Dreams Hub contributed to this article