Liberia: Largest Referral Hospital ‘Closes’ Its Doors – COVID-19

Monrovia — Liberia's largest referral hospital - John F. Kennedy Memorial Medical Center (JFK) - has suspended services of the Outpatient Department (OPD), which means, the hospital would only render emergency services.

The OPD is defined as a part of the hospital with allotted physical facilities and medical and other staff, with regularly scheduled hours, to provide care for patients who are not registered as inpatients. A hospital department where patients receive a diagnosis and/ or treatment but do not stay overnight.

In a memo to All Administrators, Clinical Heads, Supervisors and Clinicians, the hospital’s chief medical officer, Dr. Sia Wata Camanor stated that, “Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the management of the JFKMC has decided to suspend OPD services in all departments except the Infectious Disease Clinic and the Obstetric Clinic where the total number patients seen per day in each clinic should not exceed 50.”