Equatorial Guinea: Dreams Hub Launch New Huevos de Cristal Program in Rural Zone

The Huevos de Cristal is a social programme run by Dreams Hub Research and Innovation Center, for children aged between the ages of 7-13, teaching them skills in information technology.

Equatorial Guinea: Dreams Hub Launch New Huevos de Cristal Program in Rural Zone

In celebration of this year’s International Child day, Dreams Hub Research and Innovation Center, Malabo, opened a new space in Basakato de la Sagrada Familia, as the Huevos de Cristal program expands further. For children aged between 7 and 13, it is a free program aimed at teaching and upskilling children in information technology, new languages, culture and preparing a good foundation for their teenage and adult years.

Read also: Equatorial Guinea: Dreams Hub Set to Begin New Phase of Free ICT Program for kids

Huevos de Cristal started out in Malabo but as the program continues to record successes, the Founder of the initiative, Oscar A. Nchaso Bekari, believes extending it to other areas is necessary.

Equatorial Guinea: Dreams Hub Launch New Huevos de Cristal Program in Rural Zone

‘’We have seen how incredible it has been, having these children in our Ela Nguema center at Dreams Hub. Since the program started, their growth and development have been beautiful to watch. The intention is for them to leave better than they came and we continuously see that. Watching them demonstrate their computer and I.T skills, speak and read the English language, share their ideas and future career ambitions, are some of my favourite things from the program. Now that we have launched a new phase of it with excursions and working visits to organisations, we believed it was time to open a new center elsewhere. This is something we have wanted to do for a while and I am glad we have now done it, and will now focus on having the same positive impact like we have had here in Ela Nguema’’, he said.

Read also: Crystal Eggs by Dreams Hub Research and Innovation Center were guests of the Embassy of France, Equatorial Guinea.

The new Huevos de Cristal Space in the rural area of Basakato de la Sagrada Familia is run in conjunction with the Reverend Sisters in Basakato.

Some of the children who were present at the event were excited and displayed some of their inquisitiveness and vibrancy, which made the day more memorable. It did not end there as they also helped in mounting and setting up the new computer systems that were brought by the Dreams Hub team.

Read also: Equatorial Guinea: Dreams Hub visits the US Embassy in Malabo with its ‘Crystal Eggs’

Once the computers were up and running, Nchaso, called on them to pay attention when their classes start and practice very often. The day’s event continued after as the children and Dreams Hub team played games, answered their questions and engaged them in conversations.

It was a great way to celebrate the International Child day and seeing the joy in their eyes and experiencing their excitement made it even more memorable. Classes at the new center of the Huevos de Cristal program, Basakato, will start in a few days from now.