Equatorial Guinea: Oscar A. NCHASO BEKARI is our Man In Tech this week — AfriLabs

He invites his audience through his incursions to think or reflect on topics as current and necessary as uncertainty management, assertiveness for decision making, results management, vision strategic, active listening of the environment and attitudes to achieve success

Equatorial Guinea: Oscar A. NCHASO BEKARI is our Man In Tech this week -- AfriLabs

Creator of the V.E.R.D.A.D method and the `QUERIDO YO´ technique. Author of the books DREAMS (The board of
dreams) 2019, PARACAÍDAS, 2020 and MIEL, 2021. Selected one of the 50 Digital Champions of Africa 2020, the
pan-African festival to unlock the digital future of Africa recognizing innovators and pioneers on the African

He is the Founder and Managing Director at Dreams Hub, also a Business Consultant and motivational speaker who invites his audience through his incursions to think or reflect on topics as current and necessary as uncertainty management, assertiveness for decision making, results management, vision strategic, active listening of the environment and attitudes to achieve success; as well as tools for the development of personal leadership, and effective communication for teamwork. He directed his country’s first business guidebook (2013) and has also worked as a consultant at UNDP Equatorial Guinea during the preparation and visit of SE Ban Ki Moon.

Bio Oscar Nchaso 2021 -ENG

Equatorial Guinea: Oscar A. NCHASO BEKARI is our Man In Tech this week -- AfriLabs

The Dreams Tech Hub is an initiative that he founded to promote free information technology teaching space in the community for children under 12 from families with limited resources.

Oscar A. Nchaso Bekari

This project was born with the intention of articulating a network of organizations and prominent people in the business, professional, tech and cultural field of the country to foster a movement that values the importance of returning to reading and reflective listening, as a basis for managing uncertainty, prioritizing the management of values as a fundamental pillar of any society.


This article was last edited on 8/25/2021