Malabo: The Ambassador of India to Equatorial Guinea pays a visit to Dreams Hub

"We are committed to mass digital education and promoting a cultural movement that values ​​the importance of sustainable leadership" -- Nchaso

Malabo: The Ambassador of India to Equatorial Guinea pays a visit to Dreams Hub

The visit of the Ambassador of India to Equatorial Guinea, H.E. Man Mohan Bhanot, was held on Saturday, September 12, at the Dreams Hub Center, for the purpose of learning about the Crystal Eggs project and seeing how the embassy can support the initiative of the  center in the incubation phase, before launching into the business world.

Malabo: The Ambassador of India in Equatorial Guinea pays a visit to Dreams Hub

Crystal Eggs project consists of children between the age of 7 and 13, to receive FREE knowledge in ICT. They represent the fragility of this age group, its absorption capacity, its agility, its curiosity and its great enthusiasm to learn in a fun way. Said Óscar A. Nchaso Bekari, head of the center and the project, who informed the ambassador of the center’s activities, especially those carried out with children and the objectives they pursue.

All of this has elicited the Ambassador Man Mohan Bhanot, who has also visited Bike & Tech, founded by engineer and entrepreneur Cesar Bolobahá, which is currently incubating its SITUCKA project in the co-working space offered by the Dreams Hub activity center.

The ambassador has shown his willingness to contribute to the continuity of the programs held in Dreams Hub.

“We are committed to mass digital education and promoting a cultural movement that values ​​the importance of returning to reading and reflective listening, as a basis for managing uncertainty, rich in values ​​of integrity, teamwork, innovation, motivation, confidence, passion, discipline, as well as ecological values ​​to respond to the aspirations of youth “. Oscar A. NCHASO BEKARI – Founder & Managing Director, Dreams HUB