The future will be digital, and those who show up to write the algorithms, code the applications, break new ground and envision a new future will lead the way — Carmelle Cadet

The future is waiting: Why tech entrepreneurs should ’show’ up

The future will be digital, and those who show up to write the algorithms, code the applications, break new ground and envision a new future will lead the way -- Carmelle Cadet

By Carmelle Cadet

There’s never been a better time for tech entrepreneurs to show up, especially those who have previously been underrepresented and unseen or unheard of.

Where I come from, entrepreneurship is the main way of life. I was born in Port -au- Prince Haiti to a single mom who always had her own retail businesses, while having a career in politics. Back then, and still now in many underdeveloped economies, entrepreneurship is the way to feed the family in a more stable way (imagine that!) due to the unreliable government payroll.

Fast forward to 2020, tech rules everything around us. Out of the global pandemic, tech is what kept the world communicating and engaging. My journey to tech started with an internship at IBM in New York, where I had to report the financial results of the tech solutions that the company sold around the world. In the 10 years after that, I saw how essential technology was in people’s lives. I decided long ago that I could not rely on others to do with tech what I thought should be done. My passion and vision are unique to my purpose.

I’m now the Founder and CEO of a financial technology company working to modernise cash technology around the world.

The future will be digital, and those who show up to write the algorithms, code the applications, break new ground and envision a new future will lead the way.

Let’s show up now.

Let’s build now.

Let’s lead now.

Carmelle Cadet is the CEO and founder of FuturemTech.