Call for Proposals: Strengthening Gender-Responsive and Inclusive Education

The objectives are to scale the impact of innovative approaches, strengthen stakeholder capacities, and improve education policy and practice.

The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) invite proposals for applied research projects to generate and mobilize evidence in support of contextualizing and scaling the impact of innovative approaches to strengthen gender-responsive and socially inclusive education and safe schooling experiences for all children, especially those facing multiple forms of gender inequalities and marginalization, in GPE partner countries. This call is part of the Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX), a joint endeavour between IDRC and GPE.

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A recent scoping study identified two interrelated sub-themes as priorities:

The objectives of this call are to:

Selected proposals will be awarded grants ranging from

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The call is open for submissions from individual organizations, or consortia of up to three organizations. Please refer to the detailed call document to see the general eligibility criteria as well as the specific eligibility criteria for each of the three types of grants. To learn more about this funding opportunity and to apply, click here.

The deadline for submissions is August 28, 2023 (11:59PM EDT).