Dreams Talks: 5 questions with Luis Javier Méndez Díaz, author of the book G.A.N.A.R Method

"The challenge is to help universalize and publicize the benefits of proper financial planning and education." -- Mr. Méndez  

Dreams Talks: 5 questions with Luis Javier Méndez Díaz, author of the book G.A.N.A.R Method

Mr. Méndez  is an expert in bank financing, private banking, real estate investor, specialist in financial intelligence and speaker. 

Dreams Talks: Thank you for accessing this interview with Dreams Talks for Africanian.com What learning have we been able to obtain in the midst of the health crisis caused by Covid-19? 

Mr. Méndez: First of all, thank you for doing this interview, I hope it will be of great interest to your readers.One of the greatest teachings that people should internalize and learn is the importance of having healthy finances. There are many reasons and benefits for this, such as being able to save for the best future decision-making, having a financial cushion additionally offers you freedom and gives you greater decision-making power to face all the challenges that lie ahead in this health crisis economic that we are living. In addition, it will allow you to take advantage of all the opportunities that arise.

Dreams Talks:  What main advice would you give to the people who read this interview?

Mr.Méndez: I would give a lot of advice, the first of which would be to never make your family income source dependent on one way. Collect as many as you can, if they are also passive and recurring income, way  better. Currently, having only one option to earn an income is reckless and will lead you, in many cases, to survival.Another suggestion would be to get used to living in times of crisis and uncertainty, get used to dealing with changing situations (VUCA environment). Be flexible and quickly adapt to market situations. 

Dreams Talks: What major mistakes do families make with their personal finances? 

Mr. Mendez:  I would highlight three main errors: 1) To get excessively indebted, especially contracting debts that do not carry investments, but expenses. 2) Save only after spending if there is anything left. Reverse the order and systematize at least 15% of the net income. Little daily steps make a great way. 3) Not being aware of or knowing that money can and should work for and for us. We can summarize it in the phrase: “Much more is earned by working intelligently than hard.”

Dreams Talks - Luis Javier Méndez Díaz

Dreams Talks:  Your book is being a success, tell us about it and how do you think, do you think your method would help the reader, specifically in these times of resilience. 

Mr. Méndez: In my book, I explained from my own experience the strategies that I apply with all my clients and my personal assets. The challenge is to help universalize and publicize the benefits of proper financial planning and education. The method’s number one goal is for readers to know and learn about G.A.N.A.R. at all times. They will know how to Generate more income, Save systematically and create an investment plan, Nourish the mind with essential financial knowledge and skills that are easy to apply, Analyze every situation they are in and, finally, Profit or create wealth from scratch . When you learn G.A.N.A.R. You make money stop being a problem for you, you increase your net fortune, you can choose to achieve the desired financial freedom and own your own life.

Dreams Talks: What sectors have been and will be the big WINNERS after the crisis? 

Mr.Méndez: I don’t know if it was a premonition or not, but the book is tremendously useful in all situations, but at the moment of so much uncertainty today it is even more so. In fact, many of the situations that appear in it,has occurred only a few months later. As I described in the method and for not revealing much more data, the big WINNERS have been especially companies linked to the technology sector. In the book you will find many more investment ideas.

Thank you very much for your time Mr. Mendez, we hope to have you again soon.


Dreams Talks for Africanian.com – Sustainable Leadership 
Dreams Talks is a project that was born with the intention of articulating a network of organizations and prominent people in the business, professional and cultural field, to foster a cultural movement that values the importance of Sustainable Leadership, as a basis for manage uncertainty, prioritizing the management of values, as a fundamental pillar of any society.
The conversations/interviews of key African and World leaders, will analyze and reflect on topics that will help shaping a better Africa, with an ultimate goal; the practice of futurism as a lifestyle. Giving priority to how our actions will impact the future of next generations, on our planet and universe.
We promote entrepreneurship from early stages of educational training, promoting the creation of a generation of young entrepreneurs, stimulating the generation of skilled employment and the creation of value at the intercontinental and international level.