Dreams Talks: 5 questions with Spanish-American philanthropist Bisila Bokoko, businesswoman and entrepreneur

We will not be immune to the effect of Covid-19. As a global economy or as an individual. It is going to have an effect as well as an opportunity. -- BB

Dreams Talks: 5 questions with Spanish-American philanthropist Bisila Bokoko, businesswoman and entrepreneur

“I collaborate with EMPRETEC which is a UNCTAD program for women entrepreneurs based on training and guiding their path so that entrepreneurship is a pleasant journey. I have been involved in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East since 2010.” Bisila BOKOKO 


Dreams Talks: Thank you for accessing this interview with dreams Talks for Africanian.com, we have followed your footsteps on social networks and through our network of professionals about your wonderful person and the mission for which you move with so much passion. Briefly tell us about your journey Mrs. Bokoko as a businesswoman, entrepreneur and speaker. 

Mrs. Bokoko: I started my professional career in the field of foreign trade, supporting entrepreneurs to fulfill their dreams beyond borders, especially in the United States. For 15 years I have been very actively dedicated to promoting companies abroad looking for creative formulas for entry and international brand development, I have also mounted my own business projects, some with success and others with limited experience. 5 years ago I started to dedicate myself more actively to being a lecturer and mentor; Now it takes a large part of my time to share my experience with others.

Dreams Talks: You are the founder and CEO of BBES, a New York business development agency that represents and promotes brands in the international markets.How is the current health crisis Covid-19 impacting your business and what are the contingency protocols activated to correct possible cracks?

Mrs. Bokoko: Of course, the situation has slowed down many of the plans planned for this year and what we have done is look for viable alternatives to avoid being in non-action or paralyzed, which is dangerous for any entrepreneur. An important thing is to take into account the cash-flow and make an expense forecast; That is why we have invested above all in growth and in tools that help us to be in action virtually.

Dreams Talks - Bisila Bokoko

Dreams Talks: To what extent do you think that the current Covid-19 crisis may affect the economy, especially entrepreneurs?

Mrs. Bokoko: We will not be immune to the effect of Covid-19. As a global economy or as an individual. It is going to have an effect as well as an opportunity. The opportunity is to create something new, establish new paths and abandon what no longer serves us. Entrepreneurs by nature have something in common: resilience and creativity. Therefore, with these tools it is possible to look forward and continue moving towards the dream or create a new one.

Dreams Talks: Gender equality and equity versus comfort. What flexible work schedules would motivate women to seek leadership positions in a company? Do you have a particular program or support any initiative for women who decide to start in business, especially in emerging markets?

Mrs. Bokoko: Personally I do not believe in work schedules, I believe in achieving the set goals. In my company there is flexibility and adaptability, and with the telework that has come to stay in combination with the physical presence it will be very favorable for women who want to reconcile their family life and at the same time access positions of maximum leadership.I collaborate with EMPRETEC which is a UNCTAD program for women entrepreneurs based on training and guiding their path so that entrepreneurship is a pleasant journey. I have been involved in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East since 2010.

Dreams Talks: What are your references? We are also interested in knowing what is your opinion on assisted reproduction, a fashion or really a necessity for women who choose to be single mothers?

Mrs. Bokoko: Oprah, Michelle Obama, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, many people from my circle of friends who inspire me. As for assisted reproduction, I think it is great that people who have the dream of being mothers can realize it, I applaud it since it is a brave choice, it is an available choice thanks to the advances in science, so it is not a fad nor is a need. It is the possibility of seeing a wish fulfilled.

Thank you very much for your time Ms. Bokoko, we hope to have you again soon.


Dreams Talks for Africanian.com – Sustainable Leadership 
Dreams Talks is a project that was born with the intention of articulating a network of organizations and prominent people in the business, professional and cultural field, to foster a cultural movement that values the importance of Sustainable Leadership, as a basis for manage uncertainty, prioritizing the management of values, as a fundamental pillar of any society.
The conversations/interviews of key African and World leaders, will analyze and reflect on topics that will help shaping a better Africa, with an ultimate goal; the practice of futurism as a lifestyle. Giving priority to how our actions will impact the future of next generations, on our planet and universe.
We promote entrepreneurship from early stages of educational training, promoting the creation of a generation of young entrepreneurs, stimulating the generation of skilled employment and the creation of value at the intercontinental and international level.