Egypt: Ministry reveals projects accomplished in Egypt’s natural gas sector over 10 months

The Ministry of Petroleum, Mining and Mineral Resources released a report indicating the projects accomplished in the natural gas sector from July 2019 until April 2020.

Egypt: Ministry reveals projects accomplished in Egypt's natural gas sector over 10 months

Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2019-06-02 12:48:01Z | | http://codecarvings.comJ?ÿ$CŽ­7

Ten exploratory wells were drilled and one more is being drilled with investments worth $314 million. Five agreements were signed to explore natural gas, and two others are being finalized. The minimum value of such agreements is $975 million while the value of 7 agreements signed with initial letters is $690 million.

The amount of natural gas produced daily is 2.7 billion cubic meters as six projects started production in southwestern Baltim, Qasr, southern Dosoq, Ibn Younes, southeastern Abou Al Naga, and Fareskor. The second phases of 3 projects – that are Kamos Field, Dosoq Field, and Zohr Field – entered service. That is in addition to the ninth phase of Al Borolos zone western Nile Delta.

It’s noted that electricity production has a share of 60.3 percent of natural gas consumed in Egypt while the rest goes to the manufacturing sector, domestic sector, and vehicles.