Senegal: African Development Bank Provides Training to Project Management Units on Disbursement Procedures

This workshop is part of the African Development Bank's ongoing efforts to ensure the effective and efficient management of funds allocated to development projects in Africa and to support economic and social progress in Senegal.

Senegal: African Development Bank Provides Training to Project Management Units on Disbursement Procedures


The African Development Bank Group (AfDB) organized a capacity-building workshop from July 10 to 12 to enhance the management and monitoring of projects financed or co-financed by the Bank in Senegal. This workshop, a joint initiative by the Bank’s country office in Senegal and its Disbursement Division, took place in the coastal town of Saly, located 70 km southeast of Dakar.

The event brought together Bank project coordinators, administrative and financial officers, accountants, and representatives from Senegal’s public expenditure departments involved in project monitoring and implementation. The participants received training on the Bank’s disbursement rules and procedures.

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“The objective of the workshop, which was to build the capacity of units managing projects financed by the Bank Group, was successfully achieved. This training will lead to a better understanding of the disbursement rules and procedures, increasing efficiency in the disbursement process for funds mobilized for development projects,” said Abdoulaye Kane, head of the Disbursement Division of the Bank’s Financial Control Department. “The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of incoming disbursement files, substantially reduce the rejection rate of disbursement requests, and expedite the delivery of funds to contractors.”

Africanian News

This workshop is part of the African Development Bank’s ongoing efforts to ensure the effective and efficient management of funds allocated to development projects in Africa and to support economic and social progress in Senegal.