“The whole point is to bridge the gap in the demand for skills organisations in the energy sector are looking for and to also give equal opportunities to people,” said Keseena Chengadu, Project Lead, Energy Pioneers Program (EPP).
The African Energy Chamber Energy Pioneers Program is the Chamber’s first of its kind internship program designed to provide quality opportunities to individuals, promoting continued learning and growth, both professionally and in participants’ personal journeys. Through this internship program, participants are exposed to the day and life of professionals within the energy sector, working hand-in-hand with these seasoned and reputable professionals.
The EPP is also a paid internship program, which will further drive up the competition and excellence within the individuals who seek to be a part of it.
“Most of the times, people coming into the sector don’t have the right skills as universities are more theoretical and not practical. This program will get them ready for the work place and it will really help graduates to secure jobs in top tier companies,” continued Keseena.
The program wants candidates to know that, through personal investment and hard work, a reward is always waiting at the end of the effort provided. It also wants candidates who are committed and passionate about the job, value the experience and improve on their knowledge.
In a highly competitive world, it takes more than qualifications to secure quality positions. The Chamber aims to provide just that – a platform that allows for continued learning while availing a structured space where participants engage, learn and explore the industry with experienced professionals guiding them along the way.
Gaining industry experience has significant benefits for graduates entering the work environment. Instead of rushing to secure a job that may not even suit the individual, considering an internship may very well be a lit candle in the dark.
Internship programs are valuable as they offer the chance to develop new skills and present opportunities that would not emerge otherwise. Besides the technical knowledge gained from within any industry, interns also learn how to interact with professionals in a workplace setting, and develop essential soft skills such as time management, organisational skills, adaptability, problem-solving as well as teamwork.
The Chamber acknowledges the role that organisations should play in uplifting and empowering African youths, to equip them with the requirements of the world of work, preparing them to be the next generation of leaders. Through the EPP, the African Energy Chamber is striving to just that.
This internship program guarantees a fair chance in the selection of candidates, irrespective of their background of studies and experience. It also encourages more women to apply and participate in the energy space through this program.

“We want to also use this internship to give more women equal opportunities and highly encourage them to participate,” Keseena said. Besides being a learning experience, the program gives selected candidates the opportunity to voice out, generate ideas and solutions to specific matters in the industry.
The AEC Energy Pioneers Program is designed not only for the accomplishment of great work, with the chance to learn and grow; this is also an opportunity for working professionals to share their experience and culture of diverse community connection, with the interns, moulding them into future independent professionals with a clear path to follow.