African Union: new regional strategy to combat malnutrition

The first regional consultation for the project's implementation was held in Dakar and marks the beginning of this ambitious initiative aimed at transforming nutrition policy and financing in Africa.

African Union: new regional strategy to combat malnutrition

The African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Leaders for Nutrition (ALN) initiative, in collaboration with the Government of Senegal, have launched an ambitious project to transform nutrition policy and financing in Africa. The first regional consultation, held in Dakar from August 19 to 20, 2024, marks the beginning of developing Africa’s Multisectoral Nutrition Policy Framework (MNPF), a crucial effort to eradicate malnutrition across the continent.

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During the event’s inauguration, Ibrahima Gueye, Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister of Senegal, emphasized: “Increasing funding for nutrition starts with greater awareness of its importance among our leaders. It is imperative that Heads of State and Government understand that every dollar invested in nutrition is a dollar invested in the future of our nations.” The event brought together experts in health, nutrition, education, agriculture, and finance from nine West African countries, as well as government representatives, civil society organizations, and international partners such as UNICEF and the World Food Programme.

Gertrude Kara, Technical Advisor on Nutrition Policy at the African Union Commission, highlighted: “This first regional consultation is a fundamental step toward developing a unified approach to nutrition policy and financing across the continent. The insights gathered here will serve as a foundation for similar consultations throughout Africa and will ultimately lead to a comprehensive framework to improve nutritional outcomes for millions of people across the continent.”

George Ouma, ALN Coordinator at the African Development Bank, remarked: “By bringing together experts from various sectors, we are fostering a holistic approach to nutrition. This consultation will not only shape policies in West Africa but also lay the groundwork for our continental strategy aimed at improving nutrition outcomes.” The recommendations and strategies developed during this regional consultation will influence policies at the continental level.

Additionally, regional consultations will prepare African countries for the Nutrition for Growth Summit, to be held in France next year. This global summit aims to mobilize commitments and accelerate progress towards eradicating malnutrition by 2030, consolidating collaboration and focus on nutrition across Africa.