Angola: Man killed in scuffle with security force members

A man was killed this week in northeastern Lunda Norte province, in a scuffle with National Police officers resulting from disobedience to covid-19 preventive measures.

Angola: Man killed in scuffle with security force members

The information was released Sunday in Luanda by the spokesperson for the Interior Ministry, commissioner Waldemar José, during a briefing on the state of emergency in force in the country due to the covid-19 pandemic.

The officer said the scuffle ensued when a security forces officer sought to sensitise members of the public in the street to the need to comply with the covid-19 preventive measures laid out by the authorities in the light of the state of emergency.

According to the spokesperson, members of the public rebelled and assaulted the soldier who, fearing for his life, opened fire to disperse the mob, accidentally killing a man.

The officer said however that the case is under concerned authorities’ investigation and the soldier might face trial should he be found responsible.

Commissioner Waldemar José also mentioned another incident that resulted in the shooting of a man in the capital, Luanda.

He informed how at down on March 15 this year, a group of street beer drinking people assaulted police officers attempting to persuade them to go home. The officers here again used their firearms shooting one in the belly. Promptly rushed to hospital, the man is now recovering satisfactorily, the officer also informed.

The police spokesperson explained that people disobedience and attempt to challenge members of security agencies has been recurrent around the country, prompting the officers to use their weapons.

The officer also spoke of another development in a Luanda neighbourhood, in which a few men were detained over noise pollution and assaulting a Chinese national with damage of property estimated at Akz 70 million (about Usd 122.167).