Spain: ECOFIN Awards Ten Innovative Spanish Entities with Titans of Finance Prizes

Africanian News is proud to be one of the media sponsors for this year's edition, which will celebrate the 10 Titans at the 'Finances Night' gala in Madrid on October 17th."

Spain: ECOFIN Awards Ten Innovative Spanish Entities with Titans of Finance Prizes


ECOFIN Recognizes El Español, TVE, Alcalá de Henares, LEDU, Finizens, Escribano, Ibericomio, DLTCode, Extreme Networks, and El Buen Samaritano Foundation as Titans of Finance 2023

Madrid, 22 September 2023 –  ECOFIN Forum, the leading economic and financial innovation think tank, announces the recipients of the prestigious Titans of Finance Awards for 2023. This annual accolade recognizes ten outstanding companies or projects that have demonstrated innovation in various fields and serve as inspirations to others in the financial sector.

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The awardees were selected through a voting process involving 6,212 financial and business executives who are part of the ECOFIN Forum. These executives cast their votes from a pool of 20 candidates nominated by the ECOFIN Jury, comprising business leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives from prominent companies, and chaired by María Luisa Martínez Gistau, Director of Communication and Institutional Relations at CaixaBank.

Titans of Finance 2023

This year’s recipients include:

  1. Escribano Mechanical & Engineering: A Spanish engineering firm renowned for its commitment to R&D&I, with a significant presence in the Defense sector and notable patents. The company also holds a 3% stake in Indra and contributes to innovation and talent attraction in the Community of Madrid.
  2. Finizens: A FinTech company specializing in passive investment management through indexed investment. With over 20,000 clients in Spain, Finizens has saved over €9 million in client commissions since its inception and is already profitable.
  3. Ibericomio: An innovative platform that connects local producers with the public, fostering the market position of Iberian product SMEs, many of which are based in rural areas of Spain.
  4. DLTCode: A cybersecurity company set to launch three microsatellites into space to enhance digital security for businesses and society, marking a significant milestone for Spain.
  5. Extreme Networks: Focused on cybersecurity, this company offers a comprehensive portfolio of products for businesses, addressing all digital needs with a strong focus on security.
  6. The Spanish University Debate League – LEDU: A project promoting public speaking at Spanish universities and in the professional world, fostering communication skills and values such as respect and open-mindedness.
  7. Fundación El Buen Samaritano (Archdiocese of Madrid): Dedicated to the recovery and integration of individuals with mental health challenges since 1998, the foundation has positively impacted over 1,100 people through training, scholarships, and awareness campaigns.
  8. Alcalá de Henares: Celebrating its 25th anniversary as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Alcalá de Henares is a historic university campus and a center of Spanish Golden Age culture. It is also recognized for its Cervantes prizes, awarded annually by the King.
  9. Invertia/El Español: A digital newspaper specializing in economics and finance that has established itself as a key player in the Spanish media landscape, delivering high-quality content sought after by the business community.
  10. Objetivo Igualdad (Televisión Española): The first television program exclusively dedicated to promoting equality, contributing to the fight against inequality, injustice, and violence against women.

Jury Awards 2023

The 10 Titans of Finance 2023 will be honored at the “Finances Night” gala on 17 October, held at the Cristalera de la Hípica at the Club de Campo Villa de Madrid. During the gala, three “Image of Spain Awards” will also be presented to FCC, Mahou San Miguel, and Starlite-Occident. Additionally, the gala will feature the presentation of 10 Jury Awards in various categories.

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Jury Awards 2023

The 10 Titans of Finance will receive their awards on 17 October at ‘Finances Night’ , the ECOFIN Awards gala, which will be hosted at the Cristalera de la Hípica at the Club de Campo Villa de Madrid. During this event, three “Image of Spain Awards” will be presented to FCC, Mahou San Miguel, and Starlite-Occident. Moreover, the gala will include the presentation of 10 Jury Awards in different categories, including Companies, Products and Services, Institutions, and Disclosure.