A new set of children aged between 7 to 13 years old are set to benefit from the next Huevos de Cristal project as Dreams Hub research and innovation center conclude plans to increase the intake of participants.
An extension of Dreams Hub´s famed project, ‘Huevos de Cristal’ a Spanish term which means Crystal Eggs. A program that has seen it empower children with information technology relevant skills, setting them on a path of continuous knowledge, the center has made provisions to enroll 100 girls and boys for its next set of cohorts, which starts on July 5, 2021.

This set of children will be empowered using digital tools and learning key information technology skills alongside the English language to complement the center’s massive digital education program.
Tagged “One Hundred Dreams or 100 Dreams”, it is an extension of the Huevos de Cristal project (Crystal Eggs), a commitment from the center with the conviction that this type of program is an effective way to get more girls and boys to access technology. Given that the children are curious enough, have the capacity to learn quickly, effectively and possess great enthusiasm for learning, the classes will be delivered in a relaxing and convivial environment, making it worthwhile for each of them.

Amor Nchaso, Executive Secretary and head of ‘100 dreams’, stated “all our research showed us the need to move towards a more diverse educational sense in language modalities combined with ICTs. We believe in the disruptive, which, together with the traditional, will make families grow in what the digital age demands. Today, ICTs play an unavoidable role in the learning and well-being of girls and boys, and there is also ample evidence on the benefits of family involvement in learning processes from early stages”.
At the same time, she invited companies, professionals and individuals, to share the vision, from their Social Responsibility, so that the program grows in number and continues to be free for our future geniuses while also thanking their national fiber optic company, GITGE, which through CONEXXIA, a local operator, makes these girls and boys access information technologies through the free internet at the center.

Amor concluded by also extending, on behalf of the team and the children, her gratitude to the US Embassy in Equatorial Guinea for their continued support and Elite Construcciones company, who last week contributed to the program with the acquisition of technical equipment.