South Africa: digital transformation in action; how Amref uses AI to combat malnutrition in Africa

The innovative tool analyzes satellite images to improve the accuracy of predicting childhood malnutrition.

South Africa: digital transformation in action; how Amref uses AI to combat malnutrition in Africa

Amref Health Africa, the leading health NGO on the continent based in South Africa, has launched an innovative project to combat child malnutrition in collaboration with Microsoft. Since its founding in 1957, when it began as “flying doctors” to reach remote communities, Amref has significantly evolved. Today, with over 53,000 healthcare workers in 35 countries across sub-Saharan Africa, the organization focuses on providing sustainable, quality healthcare, adapting its approach to current needs.

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In its latest initiative, Amref has developed the Food Nutrition Dashboard, an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) tool created in partnership with the Microsoft AI for Good Lab in Kenya. This innovative dashboard uses AI and satellite image analysis to improve the accuracy of predicting child malnutrition. Dr. Girmaw Abebe Tadesse, Researcher and Manager of the AI for Good Lab, explained that this tool combines historical data with real-time information to provide a more effective response in high-risk areas, thus optimizing the quality of health data.

The impact of the Food Nutrition Dashboard has been notable. Samuel Murage, Kenya’s Minister of Health, highlighted how this technology enables accurate predictions of future malnutrition cases, facilitating timely interventions. This initiative reflects a broader collaboration between Amref and Microsoft, which has driven the automation of the NGO’s internal processes, improving efficiency and coordination with partners and donors.

Additionally, Amref has implemented Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit, a suite of tools including Microsoft Dynamics 365, Power Platform, and Microsoft Teams. These solutions have allowed the NGO to centralize and optimize its operations management. During the pandemic, Amref had already begun its digital transformation with a fundraising solution based on Dynamics 365 Sales, resulting in record fundraising and underscoring the effectiveness of technology in a remote work environment.

Anne-Marie Kamanye, Amref’s Director of Business Development, noted that Microsoft Dynamics 365 has transformed the way the organization operates, enhancing fundraising and global coordination. With its mission to transform healthcare systems in Africa, Amref continues to leverage advanced technological solutions to amplify its impact and achieve greater efficiency in its vital work.